A Safe Space - Trauma Sensitive Yoga

We are happy to offer one of our most sought-after courses in this format for everyone interested in teaching Yoga in a Trauma-Sensitive way. 

The deeper we go into the body/mind and the more advanced tools of Yoga we use, the more we need to become aware that no practice is created equal and beneficial for everyone. While most of the asana sequences, pranayama, and meditation techniques we teach might be helpful to most, they might be triggering for some. Emerging research suggests that yoga and mindfulness interventions can help trauma survivors; however, we need to be aware of potential dangers while leveraging the benefits.

In this training, we will explore why some practices can create dysregulation for people who’ve experienced trauma and ways you can prevent this. You will learn how to recognise traumatic stress symptoms or other dysregulation. We will also discuss current empirical research, including evidence-based interventions you can apply immediately to your work, so you are well-equipped with tools and modifications to help you work skillfully with dysregulated arousal, traumatic flashbacks, and trauma-related dissociation.

In the first part, 'Understanding Trauma,' we will explore definitions of trauma, the prevalence of trauma, trauma-related disorders, risk, and mitigating factors. The second part is dedicated to the nervous system and the neurobiology of stress and trauma. The third part is about Spanda Institute's Trauma-Sensitive Yoga principles and practice. We then discuss different Yogic Tools and which are more suitable for the Trauma-Sensitive approach, including separate modules that cover Restorative Yoga and Trauma Sensitive Yoga Nidra. 

This course comprises 30 hours of lectures, practice, quizzes, reading, and other assignments. Lessons and modules are progressive - you must complete one to move on to the next. To get your diploma, you must submit a short assignment at the course's end. You can add these hours as YA Continuing Education. 

9 Modules

Welcome to Spanda Institute Online studies


After a short video about how to use this platform, a copyright statement, and a welcome video from Nina Vukas, Spanda Institute founder and lead teacher on this course, Nina will guide you through a Sankalpa meditation to set the intention for this course. 

Understanding Trauma

Lessons in this module: 

Trauma definitions
Types and prevalence of Traumatic Events 
Response to Trauma, PTSD, PTSD prevalence
The true prevalence of Trauma 

Nervous System & The Neurobiology of Stress and Trauma

This module starts with an introduction to the anatomy and physiology of our Nervous System, a lecture about the spinal cord and the brain, and the practical applications of neuroscience in Yoga. Understanding how the nervous system works is essential to understanding the topics we will be covering in this module. If you have already done our Anatomy & Physiology module, you may skip the first three lessons. 

This part is mainly presented by Marina Moric, our resident Neuroscientist (PhD) with a BA in molecular biology. A few lessons are taught by Nina Vukas, who has been studying neuroscience alongside psychotherapy and psychology for many years. 

Spanda Trauma Sensitive Yoga

The topics we cover in this module: 

Introduction to TSY 
The Five Principles of TSY
Triggers and what to do when they happen 
Full TSY practice - intermediate Spanda Vinyasa class 

Yogic Tools for TSY

In the final modules of this Trauma Sensitive Yoga course, we will look at different tools or techniques Yoga Teachers use and how to make them more trauma-sensitive. Please note that some of the techniques mentioned here may not be something you teach, and that is okay. We hope that you will still find valuable information in each lesson. 

Our intention is not to teach you how to teach Pranayama, Mindfulness, Chanting Yoga Nidra etc. This course is about how to adjust what you already teach, make it more trauma-sensitive, and build upon the knowledge you already have. 

This module covers Yogic Tools such as asana, pranayama, meditation, relaxation, and the yoga of sound. 

Restorative Flow

This module covers the basics of teaching Spanda Restorative Flow. Restorative Yoga is one of the best tools for nervous system regulation, and we hope this bonus module will be of benefit. It includes an introduction, a methodology of Restorative Flow, and a full Restorative Flow class. 

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Nidra

If you are already familiar with Yoga Nidra, and perhaps use it in your classes, this module discusses how to create more trauma-sensitive Yoga Nidra scripts. 

If you have never taught Yoga Nidra and would like to start, this module provides enough information to do so and offers a 20-minute Yoga Nidra practice and the script from the practice. 

This part is not in the manual so you may need to take more notes. 

Modules for this product 9
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